Wow! What a month December was. Our sections answered our call to action to help with fundraising to ensure that we can continue to offer amazing rugby experiences for all our members.
Our Midis Girls Teams smashed their section fundraiser which was a Christmas Market and a Wandies Merch Stall, raising £3,100. There is still some available stock available for purchase at the bar, so that total may continue to rise as the months go on. Why not get on down and bag yourself something nice.
Our Minis, Micros and Midis also absolutely smashed the Santa Dash, earning £3,807 from donations. This was so much more than we anticipated which just shows the strength and determination of this fabulous section.
Finally our Lunch Attendees raised £450 through their “guess the try scorer” game – not sure if this means they did well or badly with the guesses but either way the players will benefit from their efforts.
Huge thank you to everyone who took part or supported these events and initiatives – we have now raised a huge £11,157 towards our £15,000 goal for the season.
We have some exciting upcoming events to keep your eyes on to help us get to that final stretch, including our Senior Women’s Fundraiser of a Galentines Themed Paint & Sip night on the 14th of February, our ever-popular 6 Nations Buses are now available to book and our Pies & Tries and Merch Stalls will be fully packed for each home game and festival to keep you full and repping GWRFC in style.